Thursday, January 8, 2009

What Goes Up

OK. I am trying to figure this out. Why is it that food prices and miscellaneous other prices went sky high with the increasing gas prices, but now that gas is way down, food isn't? 

Have you shopped for hot dogs lately?? It's not as bad as car shopping, but at this rate, the car might be cheaper ... SOON! I was going to make a family favorite for dinner -- Crescent dogs. I know, I know, how do we stand all this healthy eating (it is a sacrifice). If you've never had them, you take a hot dog, cut it partially, the long way, then gently place (shove) bits of cheese in the opening, wrap it in a Crescent roll, then bake. We hadn't had them in a while, so while I was at the store, I thought I'd pick up the necessary ingredients. Usually there is one package or another of hot dogs for under a dollar, or close to it. NOT ANY MORE! The cheapest I could find that day were $3.89!!! And that was the cheapest! Seriously? Aren't hot dogs made of the scraps from just about every other meat out there? You know, the kind of food where the less you know, the better?? I GRUDGINGLY bought a package. VERY grudgingly. And wouldn't you know it, they are STILL sitting in my fridge. I have developed a DEEP resentment toward them and cannot bring myself to cook them. Hopefully soon (before the expiration date or before they turn green, whichever comes first) I will get over it and fulfill my family's wildest culinary desires (that really doesn't say much for the menu around here, does it?).

I suppose I should focus on the positives... gas prices are under $2 still. I just wish hot dogs were! 

Have a great day!



LaToya said...

I just came across your blog from a post you did on SCS. Looks like we might be neighbors, I am in a southeast suburb of Chicago. I agree with you 100%. My neices were coming over last weekend and I thought a package of hot dogs would have been an easy and CHEAP thing to pick-up...NOT!!! I bought some deli ham instead.

Emily (stampingout on SCS) said...

ROTFL! I have thought the exact same thing! It is so ridiculous, which is why I have not been buying them. I figure, heck A bag of chicken nuggets is almost the same price and probably healthier! LOL! My husband LOVES hotdogs! He will probably be going through withdrawals soon. I don't eat them, so I haven't missed them! :)

Jan said...

LOL. Your menu sounds like mine, but what's a girl to do? I cook what they ask for and with the price of groceries these days I can't afford to experiment in the kitchen. KWIM?